Content Engine For Educational Institutes
Rockerzzz Inc., Value Investment, seeks strategic partnerships with businesses to add recurring revenue and brand establishment among their competitors. The partnership opens doors for reducing customer acquisition, talent acquisition, marketing cost, and increasing passive income by being our content engine.
We are evolving as a species and moving towards a mindset change; the millennials have something unique in them and they want to explore it. Why do we encourage them? We create a sustainable world for themselves and the upcoming generations. Most importantly, learn from the oversight of our previous generations in the world. It gives a nightmare to imagine what the kids born in 2020, will see in the year 3000, are we prepare for it.
Rockerzzz Inc. firmly believes that education should be free, and everyone has the right to education. The learner chooses the curriculum to his own will & gives us a commitment to complete all the tasks in time or explore our scientific career counseling technology that constructs a personalized career path workbook. Powered by FindUrTalent, discover yourself.
Our service’s most pressing matter is to bring persistence, patience, and value to our learners and enable 21st-century skills, 4C’s communication, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking.
Educational institute as a Multi-Channel Network? Click Here
Empowering the talented/ skilled learners
The platform connects mentors and learners to follow their personalized career goals. They built their status quo, which they dreamt of forever.
We provide a mentor 24*7. They study your learning style, personality, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The idea function is to have personalized connecting to motivate & inspire you to follow your dreams with innovative Persuasion perquisites. BUDDY; your mentor, friend thus inspires you to bring a change in your life and make you ‘FOLLOW YOUR PASSION.’Every learner requires personalized career coaching. After carrying out 1000 counseling sessions; one thing, which came in common, is; what is there in it for ME? They need personalized guidance. Everyone has a distinctive talent and a reason to be alive. Providing counseling for learners who seemed to have lost hope in life is not only humanly but also an additional asset to society.